Heller Kowitz Blog

Better Check Your Homeowners Policy

Heller Kowitz Insurance Advisors, a partner of Unity Insurance is recommending that all homeowners check their insurance policies after unusually high inflation levels this past year. Standard policies only account for 1-2 percent increases on the value of your home every year. We are currently seeing home value’s rising closer to 9 percent, which means

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Article from Philadelphia Insurance Cold weather freeze-ups can cause vital fire protection systems to malfunction. Cold temperatures can cause sprinkler piping to burst resulting in major water damage to buildings, contents, and equipment. Pipes bursting can also impair automatic sprinkler systems and leave a major portion of your facility without fire protection. A fire during


House Bill 315

 By the Mid-Atlantic Real Estate Investors Association 02/12/2013 Our Elected Representatives Are At It Again! Courtesy of the Property Owners Association, this is an alert that there is yet another attempt to start the process of rent control and increasing tenants’ power. House Bill 315 Contains Provisions Harmful to Landlords This bill has a number

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   Enclosed is a great article written by  Lanier Upshaw Risk Managers. A study by the Workplace Bullying Institute in 2010 revealed in a U.S. workforce of 200 million people, 37% allege they were the victims of cyber bullies. This means for every ten people, at least three have been the victim of cyber-bullying. What is

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59% of Homes Are Underinsured

Did you know that 59% of homes are under insured? Unfortunately one of the most valuable tools to protect your home is often times the most neglected. Your home insurance policy. Enclosed is a great article written by Valeria Weber. According to Marshall & Swift/Boeckh, a leading provider of building replacement cost data, nearly two

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Top 10 Threats to Small Businesses

Great article written by Alyssa Dellacamera from E&B Insurance. Really hits the point of how small business owners should have a sound insurance protection plan. Optimism is the fuel that drives the entrepreneurial spirit, so it isn’t surprising that most small business owners consider themselves optimists. Too much optimism, however, can get a small business owner

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